After a tumultuous 16 months, and despite the Covid crisis, the development of Phase Two remains our key infrastructural investment priority.
In tandem with our current Hub campaign, and to support this major development, the school is in the process of securing funding through a new major donor (more information to follow!) , and it is envisaged that our next building phase will start before the Summer of 2022.
Providing an excellent learning environment for our pupils is essential and the success of Phase One (now home to Maths, History and Politics) has provided the future template which the Hub’s further classroom development will be built upon.
We are looking forward to a more “normal” year, with a return to onsite education after a very successful remote learning program and one of our highest admission rates to date, and therefore the need to complete Phase Two is as compelling as ever.
With a continued diverse co-curricular programme, a varied mix of international and local students, exciting drama and musical programs ahead, and a supportive and enthusiastic staff, we are certain that St Edmund’s will build upon past successes and keep Soaring Beyond, after such a challenging period!